As some of you know, I lost my father and step-mother this spring, just 10 weeks apart, plus I have my mother and developmentally challenged sister who rely on me. To add some spice to this recipe called life, I have fibromyalgia & arthritis & depression, which I can usually keep all in check but during the last few months my symptoms have been wildly fluctuating and hard to control.
I also have a new-to-us house in a new-to-us community which has been sadly neglected lately, as have my husband, children and grandbaby.
The time has come to re-evaluate what is a) important to me, b) necessary for the good health of my family and myself, and c) what I truly enjoy and want to do more of. Hey, I'm 52 and life doesn't go on forever, kwim?
So here's how it's gonna be from here on out ...
Crafting is a big deal to me - I enjoy it immensely, and it gives me an outlet when I'm stressed too. I've decided to stay on as a Stampin' Up! demonstrator, because it provides me with a wonderful set of tools and products to create with (at a discount!) and I can't bear to say goodbye to all the friends I've made these last 10 years. I have cut way back on the number of classes, parties and shows I've been doing and that is going to stay as it is now - one class in Clifford per month, and one in Guelph per month, plus 3-4 craft shows or trade shows a year. Of course, you're all welcome to drop by and hang out with me in my craftin' room anytime you're in the neighbourhood for some casual stamping and scrapbooking fun! <wink>
I have been updating and maintaining this blog, my FaceBook business page, my Stampin' Up! Demonstrator Website, my Twitter account, AND my team's yahoo group site for many years now, and it's amazing just how much time is spent each day making updates and tweaking posts! So I've decided to trim down my online presence to free up some time for other pursuits. As of today, this blog will stay online, but will not have any new posts added to it. I will be posting personal pictures of my stamping projects, my class announcements and news from Stampin' Up! only to my business FaceBook page, Stamping & Scrapping with Donna - be sure to visit and click on "LIKE" so we can stay in touch on a personal level!
I will continue to update my EVENTS CALENDAR on my business website and Stampin' Up!' will update the PROMOTIONS and the IDEAS GALLERY sections. Plus, if I can figure out how to do it, I'll link my FaceBook posts to show up in the blog section of my business website to make it more convenient for you. My business website is also the place to access my ONLINE STORE.
I still love comments, so you can always chat with me on FaceBook, or reach me via email at [email protected] ... with all the travelling back & forth to my Dad's place since Christmas, I've come to rely on my SmartPhone to keep in touch with the world, and now I'm constantly checking my email accounts AND FaceBook on my phone - it's just so much easier to manage everything from one device, no matter where I am.
it's been a pleasure sharing my crafting and my Stampin' Up! experiences here with you on my blog since 2006. Thank you so much for taking the time to visit me here! I hope you will join me at Stamping & Scrapping with Donna (on FaceBook) so we can continue this journey together.

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